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Quiz which tests understanding of the syntax and content of The Flood

1 - Why is pontō (292) in the dative?

a. Indirect object

b. Dative with compound verbs

c. Dative of purpose

d. Dative of agent


2 - What is the meter of line 286?






3 - What rhetorical device is present extending from lines 286-287?

a. Anaphora

b. Hyperbaton

c. Enjambment

d. Polysyndeton


4 - What tense is iusserat (281) in and how should it be translated?

a. Imperfect - “had ordered”

b. Future - “will order”

c. Pluperfect - “ordered”

d. Pluperfect - “had ordered”


5 - What does tēctaque (287) (meaning roofs) represent, and what rhetorical device is it representative of?

a. Sacred houses - synecdoche

b. Sacred houses - enjambment

c. Cities - enjambment

d. Cities - Polysyndeton


6 - What does novī (310) modify?

a. Pontī

b. Montāna 

c. Flūctūs

d. Mare 


7 - Is there a caesura in line 302 and if so, what is unique about it?

a. Late caesura

b. No caesura

c. There is nothing special about this caesura

d. Early caesura


8 - Who owns the roof the rivers enter in line 276?

a. The common people

b. The king Lycaeon

c. Neptune

d. Jove


9 - What rhetorical device is present in line 310?

a. Early caesura

b. Chiasmus

c. Hyperbaton

d. Late caesura


10 - What is the best translation of “derant quoque lītora pontō” (292)?

a. The shores also were lacking to the ocean

b. The ocean was also lacking to the shores

c. The shores were being lacked by the ocean

d. The ocean had been lacked by the shores


11 - What is the best translation using fulminis (305)?

a. The lightning strike of the swift deer

b. The lightning strike of the wave

c. The lightning strike of the tigers

d. The lightning strike to a boar


12 - What is special about the meter in line 287?

a. Early caesura

b. Late caesura

c. Lots of dactyls

d. Lots of spondees

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