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Translation (accuracy)

Translation of the Latin text written for accuracy on a line-by-line basis

Jove’s anger was not satisfied with his heavens alone, but that

Of his bluish-green brother helping with assisting waves.                275

He is assembling rivers: who afterwards the roofs of the ruler

They entered itself, ‘it is not a long encouragement

Now’ he says ‘use it; y’all pour out the strength belonging to you:

So is the task! Y’all must open homes and remote walls

Send the reins to all of y’all’s rivers!’               280

He had ordered; soon they turn around and the waters of the coastline widen

And the seas were rolled in with an unrestrained course.

Neptune himself struck the ground with his trident, and that

Shook and exposed roads for movement of water.

The having been digressed rivers rush through uncovered plains               285

And plantations with having been sown crops, and cattle and men at the same time

And the holy roofs with their hidden parts are carried away.

If a house remained and was able to resist so much

Undemolished by evils, nevertheless its summit higher

Waves cover, its towers having been pressed and hidden beneath the eddies.               290

Now sea and earth had no difference:

All was sea, the shores also were lacking to the ocean.

Here he occupies a hill, another sits in a bent skiff

And he leads oars there, where he was plowing not long ago:

Above that fields or peaks of houses having been submersed               295

One man sails, this man grabs a fish from the highest elm tree.

An anchor is fastened, as if nestled, in a green meadow,

And curved keels scrape the thrown under vineyard;

And, where just now lean goats plucked grass,

Now there deformed seals place their bodies.               300

Groves and cities and houses below water astonish

Nereids, and the dolphins have the forests and tall

Branches they run to and shake and push oaks.

A wolf swims between sheep, a wave carries reddish-yellow lions,

A wave carries tigers; neither the strength of the lightning strike does good to a boar,              305

Nor does the swift legs of the deer carry it off,

And seek land for a long time, where it is able to stop,

Wandering birds fell in the sea with weary wings.

The immeasurable liberty of the ocean covers up hills

And new waves were striking mountain peaks.               310

Translation (clarity)

Translation of the Latin text written for clarity in English

     Jove’s anger was not satisfied with his sky alone, so he received help from his brother Neptune’s assisting waves on the ground. Neptune summoned rivers which entered his court. “It is not time for a long speech now,” he says. “Use it; pour out your strength; this is the task! Open homes and remote walls, release the reins to all of your rivers!” Soon, they turned around and the waters of the coastline widened. The seas rolled in with an unrestrained course.

     Neptune struck the ground with his trident, and that shook and exposed roads for movement of water. The wandering rivers rushed through uncovered plains, plantations sown with crops, and cattle and men, all at the same time. The temples with their hidden mysteries were carried away, and if a house remained, able to resist so much undemolished by evils, it was nonetheless covered by higher waves. Its towers would be pressed and hidden beneath the eddies. Now, sea and earth had no difference: all was water, oceans lacking shore.

     Here, a man sits on a hill and another sits on a bent skiff. He leads oars where he was plowing not long ago. Above those fields are peaks of houses which had been submerged. The sailing man grabs a fish from the top of an elm tree. An anchor is fastened, as if nestled, in a green meadow, and curved keels scrape submerged vineyard. Where just now lean goats plucked grass, now deformed seals place their bodies. Groves and cities and houses below water astonish Nereids, and the dolphins now own the forests. They run to shake and push oaks, swimming through tall branches. A wolf swims between sheep, and a wave carries reddish-yellow lions. Another carries tigers; neither the strength of its lightning strike does good to a boar, nor does the swift legs of the deer carry it off. They seek land for a long time, where they would be able to stop. Wandering birds fall in the sea with weary wings, and the immeasurable power of the ocean covers hills with the new tides striking mountain peaks.

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